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Search for a Tiffin Service

Our aim to is to make it easy for customers to find the Indian Tiffin services for their needs. We have made it easy for you to filter on various cuisines, keywords and food types.

How do I connect with the provider?

Most of the tiffin providers are present on social media and have made their contact details public. You can easily find their WhatsApp contact details or connect with them on Facebook messenger. If you are not able to find their social handles a google search might be the easiest way to get their details.

What next?

After you connect with the provider, you can take the conversation forward and place an order directly with them. DesiTiffins is not responsible for the delivery of service by any business and cannot be held liability for any disputes between the customer and business.

Direct Payments

The customer will directly pay the caterer the agreed amount via an agreed method and timeline.

Payment disputes

We hope that all the engagements go smoothly, however issues happen. It is our hope that customers and providers can find resolution mutually. Desi Tiffins is not responsible for any disputes that may arise from the transaction between the 2 parties.

Browse through the site

We have made it easy for you to search your tiffin provider. Please browse through the site and connect with relevant business.

Share your requirement here

We've made it easy for you to fulfil your food requirement.

Click here to share your food need and we'll search for relevant provider for you

Business compliances

It is the responsibility of the business listed on the platform to ensure all compliances and government requirements are in place. Desi Tiffins do not verify compliances from the business and does not make any representation on behalf of the business whether they have been met or not.

Customer responsibility

We request our users to ask the businesses about their compliances and make sure that meet the government mandated compliances for handling food.


Please ask the business you are engaging with about their insurance cover. Desi Tiffins does not have information about business' insurance and does not take any responsibility in case of any disputes or claims.

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Cconsectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non libero dolor. Aliquam diam dolor, suscipit id aliquam a, malesuada nec lacus. Vestibulum ac nulla nec lorem porttitor ultricies. Curabitur in efficitur est. Mauris ut tincidunt diam. In dapibus vitae felis sit amet iaculis. Nullam in augue pharetra, fermentum ex quis, scelerisque nisi. Donec laoreet posuere augue et scelerisque. Maecenas lobortis facilisis iaculis.

Curabitur in efficitur est

Phasellus fringilla, leo eu dapibus congue, diam felis lacinia urna, vitae tincidunt tortor est quis est. Nunc dictum, felis ac rutrum molestie, ipsum lacus accumsan lorem, sed rhoncus mauris tellus in tellus. Vivamus nec vulputate neque. Pellentesque ultricies pellentesque quam sagittis scelerisque. Morbi lectus metus, iaculis in diam et, malesuada viverra sem. Donec sit amet felis eu elit egestas condimentum at in mi.

Lorem Ipsum

Cconsectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non libero dolor. Aliquam diam dolor, suscipit id aliquam a, malesuada nec lacus. Vestibulum ac nulla nec lorem porttitor ultricies. Curabitur in efficitur est. Mauris ut tincidunt diam. In dapibus vitae felis sit amet iaculis. Nullam in augue pharetra, fermentum ex quis, scelerisque nisi. Donec laoreet posuere augue et scelerisque. Maecenas lobortis facilisis iaculis.

Safe and Secure

Cconsectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non libero dolor. Aliquam diam dolor, suscipit id aliquam a, malesuada nec lacus. Vestibulum ac nulla nec lorem porttitor ultricies. Curabitur in efficitur est. Mauris ut tincidunt diam. In dapibus vitae felis sit amet iaculis. Nullam in augue pharetra, fermentum ex quis, scelerisque nisi. Donec laoreet posuere augue et scelerisque. Maecenas lobortis facilisis iaculis.

Curabitur in efficitur est

Phasellus fringilla, leo eu dapibus congue, diam felis lacinia urna, vitae tincidunt tortor est quis est. Nunc dictum, felis ac rutrum molestie, ipsum lacus accumsan lorem, sed rhoncus mauris tellus in tellus. Vivamus nec vulputate neque. Pellentesque ultricies pellentesque quam sagittis scelerisque. Morbi lectus metus, iaculis in diam et, malesuada viverra sem. Donec sit amet felis eu elit egestas condimentum at in mi.

Lorem Ipsum

Cconsectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non libero dolor. Aliquam diam dolor, suscipit id aliquam a, malesuada nec lacus. Vestibulum ac nulla nec lorem porttitor ultricies. Curabitur in efficitur est. Mauris ut tincidunt diam. In dapibus vitae felis sit amet iaculis. Nullam in augue pharetra, fermentum ex quis, scelerisque nisi. Donec laoreet posuere augue et scelerisque. Maecenas lobortis facilisis iaculis.

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